Impacting through Education, Economic Development and Empowering Leaders


Of the 780 million children worldwide, eight percent do not attend school due to financial insecurity. That’s 58.4 million children that deserve a fighting chance, and our role is to LEAN IN and provide them a pathway to education.

Women continue to fight one of many forms of job restriction in more than 86 countries, and 95 countries have yet to offer equity in pay. Our focus is to go INWARD to help guarantee their full economic participation while encouraging entrepreneurship, self-efficacy and financial independence.

Economic Development

We aim to INSTILL positive leadership values in emerging professionals to help them continue to pay it forward through their own impactful missions as a way to serve their own communities. The focus is to deliver strategic skills training and coaching to help them offer solutions in their respective environments.

Empowering Leaders

Join David Banks, Ph.D, founder of Impacting Nations, as he makes strides in his 13.1 mile half-marathon run to raise $2,500 towards economic empowerment for women in Pakistan.

Proceeds go towards 15 sewing machines to help women seeking financial independence. Donate today to help Dr. David Banks reach his goal.

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples

— Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Areas of Impact

    • Partnerships with schools to ensure education access to 250 students.

    • Donating sewing machines to 25 women seeking entrepreneurship.

    • Providing strategy training to 150 leaders to promote community impact.

    • Leadership training for 50 emerging professionals to encourage community impact.

  • Partnerships with schools to ensure education access to 75 students.

  • Leadership training for 50 emerging professionals to encourage community impact.

  • Leadership training for 50 emerging professionals to encourage community impact.

About our Leadership

Sylvia Banks is the Executive Director of Impacting Nations. She has a B.A. in psychology from Bryan College in Dayton, Tennessee, and is a teacher, mentor, and author. She is passionate about helping women excel in every area of their lives. She has developed and taught two courses: Women of Excellence and Time for ORDER. She is actively involved at The Empowerment Church, founded and pastored by her husband, David. Together they have served in ministry for over 26 years. Sylvia also enjoys cooking, crafting, painting, and writing. She is originally from India and was born and raised in Ethiopia. Sylvia lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with her husband and three children.

Make a donation.

When you give, you are joining a worldwide movement to enrich the lives of individuals around the world. By being an impact partner, you can help lead others to know their potential and change the world for the better.

Impacting Nations is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Your contributions are 100% tax deductible.

Write a check to:

Impact Nations Org

7610 E. Brainerd Rd #28143

Chattanooga, TN 37424

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Feel free to contact us with any questions.


+1 (423) 508-9642